Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: September 2023
Generated 01-Oct-2023 07:28 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2023
Total Hits 3482601
Total Files 3336297
Total Pages 3315168
Total Visits 211179
Total KBytes 45637908
Total Unique Sites 14981
Total Unique URLs 2884
Total Unique Referrers 9217
Total Unique User Agents 416
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 4836 10806
Hits per Day 116086 171443
Files per Day 111209 163585
Pages per Day 110505 161039
Sites per Day 499 1861
Visits per Day 7039 8665
KBytes per Day 1521264 2426111
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 27
Code 101 - Switching Protocols 0.00% 3
Code 200 - OK 95.80% 3336297
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 6
Code 300 - Multiple Choices 0.05% 1804
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2.59% 90050
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 153
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.13% 4591
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 4
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 518
Code 404 - Not Found 0.96% 33353
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 21
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 17
Code 503 - Service Unavailable 0.45% 15757

Daily usage for September 2023

Daily Statistics for September 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 132404 3.80% 128020 3.84% 128419 3.87% 4777 2.26% 1596 10.65% 1788792 3.92%
2 113747 3.27% 109536 3.28% 110109 3.32% 5651 2.68% 1578 10.53% 1421235 3.11%
3 100891 2.90% 96654 2.90% 96910 2.92% 7667 3.63% 1606 10.72% 1407946 3.09%
4 105157 3.02% 99829 2.99% 99991 3.02% 7217 3.42% 1617 10.79% 1479893 3.24%
5 109587 3.15% 105112 3.15% 103672 3.13% 7229 3.42% 1570 10.48% 1534690 3.36%
6 92785 2.66% 88500 2.65% 87838 2.65% 7522 3.56% 1595 10.65% 1251196 2.74%
7 99279 2.85% 95598 2.87% 95006 2.87% 6361 3.01% 1577 10.53% 1423878 3.12%
8 101764 2.92% 94032 2.82% 95529 2.88% 6633 3.14% 1574 10.51% 1265759 2.77%
9 70460 2.02% 63125 1.89% 67332 2.03% 4870 2.31% 1509 10.07% 910858 2.00%
10 116876 3.36% 112639 3.38% 113671 3.43% 5536 2.62% 1515 10.11% 1543948 3.38%
11 88584 2.54% 85146 2.55% 83706 2.52% 7266 3.44% 1531 10.22% 1139590 2.50%
12 91319 2.62% 86847 2.60% 85874 2.59% 7572 3.59% 1693 11.30% 1100795 2.41%
13 98385 2.83% 94804 2.84% 93005 2.81% 7971 3.77% 1587 10.59% 1323583 2.90%
14 82811 2.38% 78184 2.34% 77395 2.33% 8665 4.10% 1607 10.73% 1092159 2.39%
15 107819 3.10% 103186 3.09% 102450 3.09% 7808 3.70% 1591 10.62% 1261191 2.76%
16 131441 3.77% 126198 3.78% 127062 3.83% 8152 3.86% 1747 11.66% 1704869 3.74%
17 126996 3.65% 123373 3.70% 117387 3.54% 8156 3.86% 1544 10.31% 1571818 3.44%
18 131223 3.77% 127643 3.83% 120209 3.63% 7824 3.70% 1810 12.08% 1652571 3.62%
19 132825 3.81% 128107 3.84% 125156 3.78% 8262 3.91% 1634 10.91% 1545903 3.39%
20 171443 4.92% 163585 4.90% 161039 4.86% 8383 3.97% 1604 10.71% 2426111 5.32%
21 153922 4.42% 147487 4.42% 146457 4.42% 7448 3.53% 1501 10.02% 1946388 4.26%
22 145739 4.18% 139652 4.19% 137993 4.16% 7810 3.70% 1532 10.23% 1847505 4.05%
23 135213 3.88% 129903 3.89% 130312 3.93% 8254 3.91% 1437 9.59% 1784817 3.91%
24 81126 2.33% 75257 2.26% 75605 2.28% 5067 2.40% 1389 9.27% 1170426 2.56%
25 88156 2.53% 83836 2.51% 83036 2.50% 6938 3.29% 1498 10.00% 1163506 2.55%
26 110111 3.16% 105095 3.15% 105964 3.20% 7642 3.62% 1503 10.03% 1469649 3.22%
27 139024 3.99% 134672 4.04% 133105 4.02% 7764 3.68% 1602 10.69% 1829601 4.01%
28 142745 4.10% 137658 4.13% 138269 4.17% 7445 3.53% 1644 10.97% 1882249 4.12%
29 159366 4.58% 155428 4.66% 155192 4.68% 7689 3.64% 1694 11.31% 2003739 4.39%
30 121403 3.49% 117191 3.51% 117475 3.54% 7370 3.49% 1861 12.42% 1693243 3.71%

Hourly usage for September 2023

Hourly Statistics for September 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 5145 154358 4.43% 4909 147282 4.41% 4960 148806 4.49% 67102 2013068 4.41%
1 4889 146693 4.21% 4739 142197 4.26% 4754 142630 4.30% 66361 1990827 4.36%
2 4967 149015 4.28% 4749 142499 4.27% 4726 141799 4.28% 65322 1959646 4.29%
3 4972 149170 4.28% 4760 142805 4.28% 4797 143919 4.34% 65482 1964446 4.30%
4 4675 140274 4.03% 4498 134948 4.04% 4543 136313 4.11% 61812 1854355 4.06%
5 4748 142449 4.09% 4566 137000 4.11% 4585 137573 4.15% 62156 1864684 4.09%
6 4915 147464 4.23% 4735 142071 4.26% 4751 142544 4.30% 64387 1931615 4.23%
7 5065 151974 4.36% 4858 145756 4.37% 4790 143725 4.34% 64292 1928769 4.23%
8 4986 149606 4.30% 4810 144318 4.33% 4616 138484 4.18% 63412 1902360 4.17%
9 4621 138650 3.98% 4442 133263 3.99% 4355 130657 3.94% 59548 1786442 3.91%
10 4735 142067 4.08% 4539 136173 4.08% 4426 132787 4.01% 59423 1782685 3.91%
11 4943 148296 4.26% 4729 141892 4.25% 4645 139376 4.20% 63539 1906168 4.18%
12 4894 146830 4.22% 4654 139634 4.19% 4627 138827 4.19% 62128 1863838 4.08%
13 4903 147103 4.22% 4666 140005 4.20% 4598 137955 4.16% 63038 1891132 4.14%
14 4655 139673 4.01% 4433 132998 3.99% 4427 132817 4.01% 61502 1845070 4.04%
15 4642 139276 4.00% 4457 133732 4.01% 4425 132756 4.00% 60581 1817437 3.98%
16 4803 144117 4.14% 4596 137893 4.13% 4546 136396 4.11% 62213 1866375 4.09%
17 4626 138809 3.99% 4409 132297 3.97% 4408 132243 3.99% 60469 1814068 3.97%
18 4761 142830 4.10% 4555 136658 4.10% 4564 136949 4.13% 64687 1940613 4.25%
19 4758 142755 4.10% 4556 136689 4.10% 4391 131732 3.97% 62561 1876830 4.11%
20 4888 146658 4.21% 4686 140601 4.21% 4680 140401 4.24% 64743 1942277 4.26%
21 4898 146941 4.22% 4671 140145 4.20% 4644 139349 4.20% 65513 1965400 4.31%
22 4923 147693 4.24% 4710 141313 4.24% 4747 142411 4.30% 67701 2031037 4.45%
23 4663 139900 4.02% 4470 134128 4.02% 4490 134719 4.06% 63292 1898765 4.16%

Top 30 of 2884 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3090334 88.74% 44545266 97.61% /
2 116407 3.34% 167038 0.37% Images
3 29064 0.83% 4429 0.01% /aaa/view.php3
4 24589 0.71% 70161 0.15% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
5 23233 0.67% 2720 0.01% /robots.txt
6 17396 0.50% 28254 0.06% /rss/
7 6702 0.19% 6225 0.01% /rss/granty.php
8 5902 0.17% 17467 0.04% /txt_zpr_full.stm
9 4335 0.12% 217312 0.48% /ecn_js.php
10 2221 0.06% 2572 0.01% /index_asp.stm
11 1842 0.05% 25095 0.05% /txt_tzpravy.stm
12 1586 0.05% 24228 0.05% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
13 977 0.03% 63 0.00% /ads.txt
14 916 0.03% 4047 0.01% /txt_kom_full.stm
15 487 0.01% 2131 0.00% /map.html
16 266 0.01% 1232 0.00% /form_z.stm
17 237 0.01% 1461 0.00% /txt_komentare.stm
18 137 0.00% 992 0.00% /hledej.stm
19 130 0.00% 136 0.00% /403.php
20 126 0.00% 362 0.00% /PRTR/
21 105 0.00% 527 0.00% /alerts.shtml
22 86 0.00% 99 0.00% /404.php
23 85 0.00% 538 0.00% /PRIVATE/logos/pravhist.htm
24 57 0.00% 437 0.00% /PRIVATE/Janh/Temelin/dumping/4.html
25 57 0.00% 65 0.00% /c10/
26 49 0.00% 190 0.00% /doc/old/Nno/Legislativa/Texts/EPS/dustojnost.htm
27 48 0.00% 271 0.00% /pen/zmizela/
28 45 0.00% 308 0.00% /form_n.stm
29 42 0.00% 543 0.00% /PRIVATE/Piano/Lovejoy.htm
30 41 0.00% 242 0.00% /form_j2.stm

Top 10 of 2884 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3090334 88.74% 44545266 97.61% /
2 4335 0.12% 217312 0.48% /ecn_js.php
3 116407 3.34% 167038 0.37% Images
4 24589 0.71% 70161 0.15% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
5 17396 0.50% 28254 0.06% /rss/
6 1842 0.05% 25095 0.05% /txt_tzpravy.stm
7 1586 0.05% 24228 0.05% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
8 5902 0.17% 17467 0.04% /txt_zpr_full.stm
9 2 0.00% 11555 0.03% /Kult/Sofie SAPA project.rtf
10 6702 0.19% 6225 0.01% /rss/granty.php

Top 10 of 486 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3090334 88.74% 229980 92.43% /
2 17396 0.50% 7035 2.83% /rss/
3 6702 0.19% 3451 1.39% /rss/granty.php
4 29064 0.83% 2663 1.07% /aaa/view.php3
5 24589 0.71% 1297 0.52% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
6 4335 0.12% 929 0.37% /ecn_js.php
7 5902 0.17% 902 0.36% /txt_zpr_full.stm
8 1842 0.05% 260 0.10% /txt_tzpravy.stm
9 1586 0.05% 213 0.09% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
10 2221 0.06% 185 0.07% /index_asp.stm

Top 10 of 545 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3090334 88.74% 228367 91.85% /
2 17396 0.50% 6680 2.69% /rss/
3 29064 0.83% 4048 1.63% /aaa/view.php3
4 6702 0.19% 3306 1.33% /rss/granty.php
5 24589 0.71% 1428 0.57% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
6 4335 0.12% 1203 0.48% /ecn_js.php
7 5902 0.17% 834 0.34% /txt_zpr_full.stm
8 1586 0.05% 315 0.13% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
9 1842 0.05% 241 0.10% /txt_tzpravy.stm
10 2221 0.06% 192 0.08% /index_asp.stm

Top 30 of 14981 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 651326 18.70% 638954 19.15% 7691865 16.85% 41591 19.69% Search indexing robots
2 246135 7.07% 243624 7.30% 7565541 16.58% 34 0.02%
3 99988 2.87% 99963 3.00% 1104759 2.42% 1 0.00%
4 99856 2.87% 99839 2.99% 1105538 2.42% 1 0.00%
5 67508 1.94% 66514 1.99% 705343 1.55% 3 0.00%
6 57185 1.64% 57177 1.71% 640395 1.40% 2 0.00%
7 47139 1.35% 45551 1.37% 545389 1.20% 15 0.01%
8 47124 1.35% 45535 1.36% 544244 1.19% 15 0.01%
9 47004 1.35% 45376 1.36% 542384 1.19% 13 0.01%
10 43657 1.25% 38573 1.16% 1338780 2.93% 3 0.00%
11 41681 1.20% 40715 1.22% 467934 1.03% 1 0.00%
12 23583 0.68% 23229 0.70% 1324078 2.90% 1 0.00%
13 18701 0.54% 18339 0.55% 230790 0.51% 1 0.00%
14 18610 0.53% 18222 0.55% 228929 0.50% 1 0.00%
15 18108 0.52% 17780 0.53% 223824 0.49% 1 0.00%
16 18005 0.52% 17618 0.53% 222464 0.49% 1 0.00%
17 17877 0.51% 17521 0.53% 220268 0.48% 1 0.00%
18 17866 0.51% 17510 0.52% 221230 0.48% 1 0.00%
19 17644 0.51% 17311 0.52% 217123 0.48% 2 0.00%
20 17581 0.50% 17253 0.52% 217920 0.48% 2 0.00%
21 17565 0.50% 17227 0.52% 217174 0.48% 1 0.00%
22 17540 0.50% 17175 0.51% 215743 0.47% 1 0.00%
23 17457 0.50% 17105 0.51% 215412 0.47% 1 0.00%
24 17396 0.50% 17063 0.51% 214319 0.47% 2 0.00%
25 16877 0.48% 16558 0.50% 207325 0.45% 1 0.00%
26 16726 0.48% 16381 0.49% 206140 0.45% 2 0.00%
27 16508 0.47% 16200 0.49% 204198 0.45% 1 0.00%
28 16495 0.47% 16156 0.48% 203317 0.45% 2 0.00%
29 16286 0.47% 15964 0.48% 201365 0.44% 3 0.00%
30 16154 0.46% 15816 0.47% 199497 0.44% 3 0.00%

Top 10 of 14981 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 651326 18.70% 638954 19.15% 7691865 16.85% 41591 19.69% Search indexing robots
2 246135 7.07% 243624 7.30% 7565541 16.58% 34 0.02%
3 43657 1.25% 38573 1.16% 1338780 2.93% 3 0.00%
4 23583 0.68% 23229 0.70% 1324078 2.90% 1 0.00%
5 99856 2.87% 99839 2.99% 1105538 2.42% 1 0.00%
6 99988 2.87% 99963 3.00% 1104759 2.42% 1 0.00%
7 67508 1.94% 66514 1.99% 705343 1.55% 3 0.00%
8 57185 1.64% 57177 1.71% 640395 1.40% 2 0.00%
9 47139 1.35% 45551 1.37% 545389 1.20% 15 0.01%
10 47124 1.35% 45535 1.36% 544244 1.19% 15 0.01%

Top 30 of 9217 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3269784 93.89% - (Direct Request)
2 11234 0.32%
3 9322 0.27%
4 7934 0.23%
5 5180 0.15%
6 4868 0.14%
7 3484 0.10%
8 3112 0.09%
9 2252 0.06%
10 1999 0.06%
11 1931 0.06%
12 1654 0.05%
13 1239 0.04%
14 1012 0.03%
15 937 0.03%
16 814 0.02%
17 680 0.02%
18 643 0.02%
19 608 0.02%
20 239 0.01%
21 232 0.01%
22 207 0.01%
23 173 0.00%
24 164 0.00%
25 151 0.00%
26 144 0.00%
27 141 0.00%
28 140 0.00%
29 118 0.00%
30 111 0.00%

Top 12 of 12 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 44 77.19% testing
2 2 3.51%
3 2 3.51% rss news
4 1 1.75%
5 1 1.75%
6 1 1.75%
7 1 1.75%
8 1 1.75%
9 1 1.75%
10 1 1.75%
11 1 1.75% j.obermajerova
12 1 1.75% testing'||dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(98)||chr(98)||chr(98)15)||'

Top 15 of 416 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2939212 84.40% Search indexing robots
2 407750 11.71% Mozilla/5.0
3 43657 1.25% SpiderLing (a SPIDER for LINGustic research)
4 20304 0.58% Barkrowler/0.9
5 19344 0.56% Go-http-client/1.1
6 13586 0.39% heritrix/3.4
7 4885 0.14% MegaIndex.r
8 4326 0.12% Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.31
9 2534 0.07% Turnitin (
10 1732 0.05% Bytespider
11 1142 0.03% FeedOnFeeds/0.1.9 (+
12 1030 0.03% python-requests/2.27.1
13 992 0.03% Yeti/1.1
14 991 0.03% Buck/2.3.2; (+
15 968 0.03% omgili/0.5 +

Usage by Country for September 2023

Top 30 of 93 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2320107 66.62% 2264491 67.87% 26591268 58.27% Commercial (com)
2 928406 26.66% 865129 25.93% 14689505 32.19% Unresolved/Unknown
3 73515 2.11% 67606 2.03% 1632286 3.58% European Union
4 71724 2.06% 62148 1.86% 1463820 3.21% Czech Republic
5 50624 1.45% 46250 1.39% 959128 2.10% Network (net)
6 19586 0.56% 17685 0.53% 222532 0.49% Germany
7 4159 0.12% 866 0.03% 1775 0.00% Singapore
8 2808 0.08% 2226 0.07% 25788 0.06% Russian Federation
9 1609 0.05% 1385 0.04% 9334 0.02% Poland
10 1444 0.04% 1440 0.04% 559 0.00% Colombia
11 1347 0.04% 1289 0.04% 3798 0.01% Slovakia
12 846 0.02% 566 0.02% 38 0.00% Wallis and Futuna Islands
13 794 0.02% 773 0.02% 10030 0.02% United Kingdom
14 674 0.02% 622 0.02% 2740 0.01% Israel
15 662 0.02% 612 0.02% 1886 0.00% France
16 507 0.01% 481 0.01% 1180 0.00% Ind. Contact Data (tel)
17 396 0.01% 338 0.01% 1697 0.00% Italy
18 353 0.01% 317 0.01% 5779 0.01% Finland
19 330 0.01% 214 0.01% 1055 0.00% Non-Profit (org)
20 244 0.01% 113 0.00% 746 0.00% Educational (edu)
21 181 0.01% 121 0.00% 673 0.00% Japan
22 179 0.01% 173 0.01% 449 0.00% Austria
23 167 0.00% 141 0.00% 1497 0.00% China
24 146 0.00% 103 0.00% 1074 0.00% Canada
25 141 0.00% 133 0.00% 441 0.00% Malaysia
26 139 0.00% 71 0.00% 506 0.00% Netherlands
27 132 0.00% 90 0.00% 564 0.00% Brazil
28 120 0.00% 112 0.00% 256 0.00% Hungary
29 102 0.00% 97 0.00% 262 0.00% Croatia
30 100 0.00% 5 0.00% 782 0.00% Cambodia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23