Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2024
Generated 01-Mar-2024 08:26 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2024
Total Hits 5631290
Total Files 5420251
Total Pages 4726916
Total Visits 257872
Total KBytes 65963018
Total Unique Sites 56534
Total Unique URLs 2334
Total Unique Referrers 4136
Total Unique User Agents 439
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 8090 18132
Hits per Day 194182 371991
Files per Day 186905 359066
Pages per Day 162997 318564
Sites per Day 1949 8404
Visits per Day 8892 22155
KBytes per Day 2274587 9402893
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 6
Code 101 - Switching Protocols 0.00% 135
Code 200 - OK 96.25% 5420251
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 6
Code 300 - Multiple Choices 0.06% 3396
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2.47% 139220
Code 302 - Found 0.02% 1245
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.04% 2489
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 8
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 639
Code 404 - Not Found 1.13% 63885
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 5
Code 501 - Not Implemented 0.00% 3
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 2

Daily usage for February 2024

Daily Statistics for February 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 151213 2.69% 142270 2.62% 143189 3.03% 16394 6.36% 7391 13.07% 1845266 2.80%
2 141819 2.52% 130323 2.40% 133989 2.83% 22155 8.59% 8404 14.87% 1702433 2.58%
3 134533 2.39% 127366 2.35% 129483 2.74% 11711 4.54% 4820 8.53% 1612960 2.45%
4 130996 2.33% 125911 2.32% 124004 2.62% 12014 4.66% 4630 8.19% 1584249 2.40%
5 138101 2.45% 131968 2.43% 131396 2.78% 10727 4.16% 4690 8.30% 1673791 2.54%
6 163828 2.91% 159382 2.94% 157471 3.33% 7872 3.05% 2749 4.86% 2055220 3.12%
7 155269 2.76% 148654 2.74% 149188 3.16% 7801 3.03% 2727 4.82% 1878070 2.85%
8 147947 2.63% 141800 2.62% 140015 2.96% 7616 2.95% 3049 5.39% 1747171 2.65%
9 169791 3.02% 165572 3.05% 164026 3.47% 7746 3.00% 2889 5.11% 1989479 3.02%
10 153765 2.73% 145125 2.68% 149602 3.16% 7646 2.97% 2979 5.27% 1702709 2.58%
11 155632 2.76% 149962 2.77% 151750 3.21% 7182 2.79% 2585 4.57% 1754673 2.66%
12 164306 2.92% 158163 2.92% 157361 3.33% 7083 2.75% 3010 5.32% 1876429 2.84%
13 168179 2.99% 162380 3.00% 162100 3.43% 12042 4.67% 5149 9.11% 1886111 2.86%
14 298047 5.29% 287452 5.30% 146454 3.10% 9270 3.59% 3457 6.11% 1770904 2.68%
15 371991 6.61% 359066 6.62% 154099 3.26% 8124 3.15% 2922 5.17% 1959283 2.97%
16 332822 5.91% 323999 5.98% 147493 3.12% 7084 2.75% 2724 4.82% 1873345 2.84%
17 141696 2.52% 138324 2.55% 137888 2.92% 7677 2.98% 2413 4.27% 1699661 2.58%
18 151893 2.70% 148978 2.75% 147343 3.12% 7120 2.76% 2292 4.05% 1897232 2.88%
19 240631 4.27% 237219 4.38% 234028 4.95% 7110 2.76% 2568 4.54% 5311214 8.05%
20 324500 5.76% 316612 5.84% 318564 6.74% 6660 2.58% 2770 4.90% 9402893 14.25%
21 205728 3.65% 200143 3.69% 200086 4.23% 8279 3.21% 2630 4.65% 2574826 3.90%
22 220860 3.92% 214926 3.97% 215454 4.56% 7005 2.72% 2581 4.57% 2660045 4.03%
23 201038 3.57% 189132 3.49% 197230 4.17% 8290 3.21% 2255 3.99% 2259810 3.43%
24 196398 3.49% 182453 3.37% 189694 4.01% 8788 3.41% 2892 5.12% 2237559 3.39%
25 177075 3.14% 169832 3.13% 172813 3.66% 8276 3.21% 2802 4.96% 2023438 3.07%
26 155144 2.76% 150509 2.78% 150389 3.18% 7895 3.06% 2824 5.00% 1656472 2.51%
27 139994 2.49% 136786 2.52% 134984 2.86% 8340 3.23% 2892 5.12% 1728117 2.62%
28 256700 4.56% 248597 4.59% 173937 3.68% 8354 3.24% 3064 5.42% 2159476 3.27%
29 241394 4.29% 227347 4.19% 112886 2.39% 9222 3.58% 3057 5.41% 1440183 2.18%

Hourly usage for February 2024

Hourly Statistics for February 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 7744 224595 3.99% 7413 214999 3.97% 6739 195440 4.13% 88462 2565386 3.89%
1 7808 226435 4.02% 7362 213523 3.94% 6883 199615 4.22% 90443 2622836 3.98%
2 7317 212217 3.77% 7000 203004 3.75% 6395 185474 3.92% 84868 2461179 3.73%
3 7910 229414 4.07% 7647 221763 4.09% 6934 201094 4.25% 93537 2712580 4.11%
4 8107 235103 4.17% 7856 227832 4.20% 7033 203974 4.32% 93668 2716373 4.12%
5 7916 229578 4.08% 7571 219583 4.05% 6989 202687 4.29% 92400 2679593 4.06%
6 7618 220935 3.92% 7395 214458 3.96% 6706 194489 4.11% 91159 2643617 4.01%
7 8077 234257 4.16% 7840 227379 4.19% 6978 202384 4.28% 96587 2801021 4.25%
8 8085 234490 4.16% 7812 226573 4.18% 6725 195026 4.13% 95340 2764851 4.19%
9 8739 253439 4.50% 8505 246669 4.55% 7134 206903 4.38% 101944 2956389 4.48%
10 8507 246730 4.38% 8198 237754 4.39% 6948 201509 4.26% 97467 2826536 4.29%
11 8796 255106 4.53% 8403 243699 4.50% 7107 206119 4.36% 100557 2916164 4.42%
12 8323 241379 4.29% 8045 233311 4.30% 6669 193418 4.09% 94651 2744889 4.16%
13 8446 244945 4.35% 8171 236972 4.37% 6889 199800 4.23% 96860 2808942 4.26%
14 8220 238398 4.23% 7955 230703 4.26% 6647 192772 4.08% 96849 2808625 4.26%
15 8576 248711 4.42% 8237 238890 4.41% 7031 203924 4.31% 100119 2903438 4.40%
16 8318 241245 4.28% 7815 226643 4.18% 6802 197265 4.17% 95997 2783917 4.22%
17 7995 231863 4.12% 7737 224382 4.14% 6460 187357 3.96% 94323 2735362 4.15%
18 8412 243965 4.33% 8081 234354 4.32% 6901 200146 4.23% 102674 2977532 4.51%
19 7936 230163 4.09% 7607 220612 4.07% 6426 186365 3.94% 96643 2802658 4.25%
20 7924 229815 4.08% 7687 222945 4.11% 6613 191803 4.06% 98819 2865762 4.34%
21 8134 235899 4.19% 7815 226657 4.18% 6954 201681 4.27% 98786 2864792 4.34%
22 7734 224288 3.98% 7478 216887 4.00% 6588 191060 4.04% 87819 2546753 3.86%
23 7528 218320 3.88% 7264 210659 3.89% 6434 186611 3.95% 84615 2453822 3.72%

Top 30 of 2334 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 4500656 79.92% 64624890 97.97% /
2 560599 9.96% 348355 0.53% Images
3 296695 5.27% 43960 0.07% /robots.txt
4 17536 0.31% 55458 0.08% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
5 15541 0.28% 3992 0.01% /aaa/view.php3
6 8648 0.15% 19487 0.03% /rss/
7 5159 0.09% 263673 0.40% /ecn_js.php
8 4276 0.08% 652 0.00% /rss/granty.php
9 4115 0.07% 10583 0.02% /txt_zpr_full.stm
10 2936 0.05% 49079 0.07% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
11 2383 0.04% 8178 0.01% /map.html
12 1629 0.03% 1648 0.00% /index_asp.stm
13 1232 0.02% 18732 0.03% /txt_tzpravy.stm
14 856 0.02% 3521 0.01% /alerts.shtml
15 855 0.02% 52 0.00% /ads.txt
16 726 0.01% 2994 0.00% /txt_kom_full.stm
17 267 0.00% 2052 0.00% /txt_komentare.stm
18 233 0.00% 1237 0.00% /form_z.stm
19 128 0.00% 360 0.00% /PRTR/
20 91 0.00% 958 0.00% /PRIVATE/Piano/Lovejoy.htm
21 89 0.00% 349 0.00% /hledej.stm
22 64 0.00% 80 0.00% /c10/
23 59 0.00% 370 0.00% /PRIVATE/logos/pravhist.htm
24 58 0.00% 63 0.00% /404.php
25 58 0.00% 279 0.00% /PRIVATE/Janh/Temelin/dumping/4.html
26 55 0.00% 286 0.00% /form_n.stm
27 46 0.00% 243 0.00% /pen/zmizela/
28 41 0.00% 216 0.00% /pen/
29 40 0.00% 150 0.00% /doc/old/Nno/Legislativa/Texts/EPS/dustojnost.htm
30 39 0.00% 83 0.00% /tolerance/

Top 10 of 2334 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 4500656 79.92% 64624890 97.97% /
2 560599 9.96% 348355 0.53% Images
3 5159 0.09% 263673 0.40% /ecn_js.php
4 17536 0.31% 55458 0.08% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
5 2936 0.05% 49079 0.07% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
6 296695 5.27% 43960 0.07% /robots.txt
7 8648 0.15% 19487 0.03% /rss/
8 1232 0.02% 18732 0.03% /txt_tzpravy.stm
9 23 0.00% 16218 0.02% /doc/vz2000.pdf
10 16 0.00% 13960 0.02% /doc/vz2001.pdf

Top 10 of 531 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4500656 79.92% 302132 89.75% /
2 8648 0.15% 12047 3.58% /rss/
3 15541 0.28% 4213 1.25% /aaa/view.php3
4 2936 0.05% 2945 0.87% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
5 2383 0.04% 2720 0.81% /map.html
6 17536 0.31% 2457 0.73% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
7 4276 0.08% 2440 0.72% /rss/granty.php
8 856 0.02% 1797 0.53% /alerts.shtml
9 5159 0.09% 1307 0.39% /ecn_js.php
10 1629 0.03% 1101 0.33% /index_asp.stm

Top 10 of 593 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4500656 79.92% 302535 89.85% /
2 8648 0.15% 10390 3.09% /rss/
3 15541 0.28% 5908 1.75% /aaa/view.php3
4 2936 0.05% 2992 0.89% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
5 2383 0.04% 2383 0.71% /map.html
6 4276 0.08% 2359 0.70% /rss/granty.php
7 17536 0.31% 2250 0.67% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
8 5159 0.09% 1886 0.56% /ecn_js.php
9 856 0.02% 1677 0.50% /alerts.shtml
10 1629 0.03% 1126 0.33% /index_asp.stm

Top 30 of 56534 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1640317 29.13% 1575234 29.06% 10597165 16.07% 86070 33.38% Search indexing robots
2 356958 6.34% 356257 6.57% 3590946 5.44% 17 0.01%
3 351693 6.25% 351094 6.48% 3540856 5.37% 19 0.01%
4 347039 6.16% 346425 6.39% 3492230 5.29% 17 0.01%
5 250005 4.44% 249936 4.61% 10832053 16.42% 1 0.00%
6 181898 3.23% 180170 3.32% 5573017 8.45% 135 0.05%
7 21993 0.39% 21813 0.40% 1277482 1.94% 3 0.00%
8 20797 0.37% 20439 0.38% 241823 0.37% 147 0.06%
9 18828 0.33% 18772 0.35% 236760 0.36% 1 0.00%
10 18743 0.33% 18700 0.35% 236793 0.36% 1 0.00%
11 18687 0.33% 18635 0.34% 236047 0.36% 1 0.00%
12 18628 0.33% 18565 0.34% 235073 0.36% 1 0.00%
13 18616 0.33% 18562 0.34% 234919 0.36% 1 0.00%
14 18560 0.33% 18502 0.34% 234645 0.36% 1 0.00%
15 18305 0.33% 18251 0.34% 231034 0.35% 1 0.00%
16 18139 0.32% 18078 0.33% 230423 0.35% 1 0.00%
17 16800 0.30% 16751 0.31% 211070 0.32% 1 0.00%
18 16671 0.30% 16615 0.31% 210598 0.32% 2 0.00%
19 16644 0.30% 16597 0.31% 209959 0.32% 1 0.00%
20 16643 0.30% 16594 0.31% 209640 0.32% 1 0.00%
21 16538 0.29% 16487 0.30% 208337 0.32% 1 0.00%
22 16502 0.29% 16463 0.30% 207648 0.31% 1 0.00%
23 16432 0.29% 16396 0.30% 207461 0.31% 3 0.00%
24 16429 0.29% 16378 0.30% 207345 0.31% 1 0.00%
25 16342 0.29% 16290 0.30% 205445 0.31% 2 0.00%
26 16223 0.29% 16170 0.30% 204739 0.31% 2 0.00%
27 16184 0.29% 16139 0.30% 203579 0.31% 2 0.00%
28 16153 0.29% 16116 0.30% 202975 0.31% 2 0.00%
29 16039 0.28% 15992 0.30% 201781 0.31% 2 0.00%
30 14759 0.26% 14719 0.27% 185339 0.28% 3 0.00%

Top 10 of 56534 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 250005 4.44% 249936 4.61% 10832053 16.42% 1 0.00%
2 1640317 29.13% 1575234 29.06% 10597165 16.07% 86070 33.38% Search indexing robots
3 181898 3.23% 180170 3.32% 5573017 8.45% 135 0.05%
4 356958 6.34% 356257 6.57% 3590946 5.44% 17 0.01%
5 351693 6.25% 351094 6.48% 3540856 5.37% 19 0.01%
6 347039 6.16% 346425 6.39% 3492230 5.29% 17 0.01%
7 21993 0.39% 21813 0.40% 1277482 1.94% 3 0.00%
8 20797 0.37% 20439 0.38% 241823 0.37% 147 0.06%
9 18743 0.33% 18700 0.35% 236793 0.36% 1 0.00%
10 18828 0.33% 18772 0.35% 236760 0.36% 1 0.00%

Top 30 of 4136 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 5194418 92.24% - (Direct Request)
2 11763 0.21%
3 7709 0.14%
4 6139 0.11%
5 5146 0.09%
6 4845 0.09%
7 4738 0.08%
8 4668 0.08%
9 3819 0.07%
10 3422 0.06%
11 3017 0.05%
12 2497 0.04%
13 2416 0.04%
14 2322 0.04%
15 2252 0.04%
16 2104 0.04%
17 2054 0.04%
18 1780 0.03%
19 1771 0.03%
20 1756 0.03%
21 1634 0.03%
22 999 0.02%
23 970 0.02%
24 673 0.01%
25 658 0.01%
26 636 0.01%
27 629 0.01%
28 546 0.01%
29 540 0.01%
30 452 0.01%

Top 20 of 20 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 3 12.00%
2 2 8.00%
3 2 8.00%
4 2 8.00%
5 1 4.00% domy v sadech 5.května před demolicí
6 1 4.00% hromada homosexuálové
7 1 4.00%
8 1 4.00%
9 1 4.00%
10 1 4.00%
11 1 4.00%
12 1 4.00%
13 1 4.00%
14 1 4.00%
15 1 4.00%
16 1 4.00%
17 1 4.00%
18 1 4.00%
19 1 4.00% sexualni ulet a strach
20 1 4.00% staré foto sady 5.května a okolí

Top 15 of 439 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4162110 73.91% Search indexing robots
2 1340253 23.80% Mozilla/5.0
3 30174 0.54% Barkrowler/0.9
4 23497 0.42% Bytespider
5 9746 0.17% Go-http-client/1.1
6 5288 0.09% Python/3.8 aiohttp/3.8.4
7 4442 0.08% Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.31
8 1623 0.03% Turnitin (
9 953 0.02% MSIE 10.0
10 783 0.01% FirmoGraph (+
11 769 0.01% python-requests/2.31.0
12 761 0.01% mozilla/5.0 (x11; linux x86_64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/ safari/537.36
13 740 0.01% SEOkicks
14 688 0.01%
15 646 0.01% heritrix/3.4

Usage by Country for February 2024

Top 30 of 90 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 3800131 67.48% 3694437 68.16% 35214954 53.39% Commercial (com)
2 1390032 24.68% 1315899 24.28% 17204692 26.08% Unresolved/Unknown
3 294631 5.23% 285455 5.27% 11291668 17.12% Network (net)
4 60622 1.08% 55950 1.03% 1402593 2.13% Czech Republic
5 51011 0.91% 37497 0.69% 497645 0.75% European Union
6 17455 0.31% 16462 0.30% 183556 0.28% Germany
7 6788 0.12% 6245 0.12% 90867 0.14% Russian Federation
8 1553 0.03% 1492 0.03% 4419 0.01% Slovakia
9 1239 0.02% 1093 0.02% 7529 0.01% Poland
10 1010 0.02% 709 0.01% 12699 0.02% Non-Profit (org)
11 830 0.01% 800 0.01% 9739 0.01% Ukraine
12 752 0.01% 635 0.01% 1807 0.00% Bulgaria
13 474 0.01% 425 0.01% 2391 0.00% Brazil
14 469 0.01% 250 0.00% 1746 0.00% Address Routing (arpa)
15 377 0.01% 335 0.01% 880 0.00% France
16 263 0.00% 184 0.00% 6237 0.01% Netherlands
17 261 0.00% 102 0.00% 939 0.00% St. Helena
18 257 0.00% 88 0.00% 968 0.00% South Africa
19 252 0.00% 180 0.00% 1557 0.00% Portugal
20 242 0.00% 221 0.00% 919 0.00% Ind. Contact Data (tel)
21 236 0.00% 209 0.00% 626 0.00% Switzerland
22 221 0.00% 192 0.00% 4649 0.01% Finland
23 195 0.00% 144 0.00% 6418 0.01% United Kingdom
24 189 0.00% 131 0.00% 1023 0.00% Japan
25 159 0.00% 67 0.00% 439 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory
26 137 0.00% 124 0.00% 984 0.00% Italy
27 136 0.00% 24 0.00% 626 0.00% China
28 104 0.00% 97 0.00% 515 0.00% Hungary
29 84 0.00% 80 0.00% 69 0.00% Israel
30 78 0.00% 49 0.00% 708 0.00% Colombia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23