Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 01-Jul-2024 07:40 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 13411470
Total Files 13292323
Total Pages 13274953
Total Visits 360711
Total KBytes 159363274
Total Unique Sites 39581
Total Unique URLs 2315
Total Unique Referrers 5852
Total Unique User Agents 377
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 18627 36086
Hits per Day 447049 659718
Files per Day 443077 653618
Pages per Day 442498 652426
Sites per Day 1319 4799
Visits per Day 12023 22368
KBytes per Day 5312109 8030216
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 6
Code 101 - Switching Protocols 0.00% 279
Code 200 - OK 99.11% 13292323
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 6
Code 300 - Multiple Choices 0.03% 4035
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.30% 40358
Code 302 - Found 0.01% 788
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.01% 1580
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 1
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 378
Code 404 - Not Found 0.53% 71713
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 2
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 1

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 508037 3.79% 506058 3.81% 503382 3.79% 11841 3.28% 3888 9.82% 6189590 3.88%
2 505712 3.77% 501594 3.77% 499957 3.77% 11984 3.32% 3840 9.70% 5932150 3.72%
3 445684 3.32% 441268 3.32% 440023 3.31% 11698 3.24% 3933 9.94% 5283858 3.32%
4 306479 2.29% 299113 2.25% 299847 2.26% 14489 4.02% 4658 11.77% 3562094 2.24%
5 298100 2.22% 291298 2.19% 293131 2.21% 17050 4.73% 4422 11.17% 3462175 2.17%
6 301184 2.25% 299551 2.25% 295992 2.23% 20058 5.56% 4539 11.47% 3596539 2.26%
7 277536 2.07% 275589 2.07% 273594 2.06% 22368 6.20% 4799 12.12% 3299461 2.07%
8 385708 2.88% 384287 2.89% 381322 2.87% 15988 4.43% 4040 10.21% 4539655 2.85%
9 459197 3.42% 455705 3.43% 456700 3.44% 13705 3.80% 3604 9.11% 5360239 3.36%
10 428402 3.19% 425326 3.20% 424163 3.20% 14782 4.10% 3876 9.79% 4918955 3.09%
11 372412 2.78% 365617 2.75% 368391 2.78% 14265 3.95% 3577 9.04% 4229972 2.65%
12 429658 3.20% 411293 3.09% 424936 3.20% 16954 4.70% 3654 9.23% 4917601 3.09%
13 402117 3.00% 400759 3.01% 398677 3.00% 12665 3.51% 2825 7.14% 4523051 2.84%
14 398439 2.97% 391695 2.95% 393480 2.96% 13466 3.73% 2826 7.14% 4433329 2.78%
15 433605 3.23% 430544 3.24% 430955 3.25% 10069 2.79% 2507 6.33% 5005514 3.14%
16 574011 4.28% 570553 4.29% 570598 4.30% 5005 1.39% 2684 6.78% 6455144 4.05%
17 529566 3.95% 524488 3.95% 525746 3.96% 6615 1.83% 2970 7.50% 6018473 3.78%
18 373985 2.79% 370355 2.79% 369532 2.78% 15540 4.31% 3167 8.00% 4581705 2.88%
19 319157 2.38% 315914 2.38% 315786 2.38% 8755 2.43% 2529 6.39% 3707667 2.33%
20 461954 3.44% 458767 3.45% 456384 3.44% 6365 1.76% 3193 8.07% 5302442 3.33%
21 434373 3.24% 432863 3.26% 430823 3.25% 7908 2.19% 3208 8.10% 5101251 3.20%
22 386247 2.88% 385178 2.90% 383335 2.89% 11049 3.06% 3252 8.22% 4722889 2.96%
23 529135 3.95% 527016 3.96% 524221 3.95% 17635 4.89% 3575 9.03% 8030216 5.04%
24 510876 3.81% 503397 3.79% 504732 3.80% 16236 4.50% 4007 10.12% 7675097 4.82%
25 459677 3.43% 457842 3.44% 455335 3.43% 17013 4.72% 3988 10.08% 5263981 3.30%
26 659718 4.92% 653618 4.92% 652426 4.91% 14073 3.90% 4060 10.26% 7491753 4.70%
27 504164 3.76% 499767 3.76% 499762 3.76% 12302 3.41% 3432 8.67% 5848695 3.67%
28 476599 3.55% 475441 3.58% 471248 3.55% 11200 3.10% 3682 9.30% 5516298 3.46%
29 632069 4.71% 630819 4.75% 625956 4.72% 6541 1.81% 3658 9.24% 7303791 4.58%
30 607669 4.53% 606608 4.56% 604519 4.55% 5587 1.55% 3009 7.60% 7089689 4.45%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 16708 501265 3.74% 16517 495530 3.73% 16579 497398 3.75% 198682 5960463 3.74%
1 17430 522929 3.90% 17263 517919 3.90% 17312 519379 3.91% 208707 6261224 3.93%
2 19993 599803 4.47% 19892 596784 4.49% 19870 596118 4.49% 235567 7067010 4.43%
3 19295 578864 4.32% 19174 575226 4.33% 19149 574476 4.33% 228498 6854926 4.30%
4 20221 606658 4.52% 20040 601222 4.52% 20090 602703 4.54% 237876 7136285 4.48%
5 18984 569533 4.25% 18811 564332 4.25% 18803 564102 4.25% 226311 6789332 4.26%
6 18562 556882 4.15% 18473 554211 4.17% 18416 552506 4.16% 221098 6632946 4.16%
7 19386 581604 4.34% 19252 577571 4.35% 19171 575132 4.33% 232491 6974719 4.38%
8 18904 567125 4.23% 18694 560828 4.22% 18676 560305 4.22% 227039 6811170 4.27%
9 17543 526309 3.92% 17327 519820 3.91% 17355 520664 3.92% 209833 6294983 3.95%
10 18455 553653 4.13% 18143 544291 4.09% 18116 543493 4.09% 219807 6594211 4.14%
11 18292 548782 4.09% 18138 544147 4.09% 18068 542055 4.08% 219549 6586468 4.13%
12 18935 568059 4.24% 18703 561100 4.22% 18749 562471 4.24% 223810 6714288 4.21%
13 19360 580826 4.33% 19145 574360 4.32% 19110 573307 4.32% 228750 6862513 4.31%
14 18718 561540 4.19% 18577 557319 4.19% 18453 553610 4.17% 222506 6675166 4.19%
15 18469 554096 4.13% 18348 550448 4.14% 18227 546817 4.12% 220156 6604687 4.14%
16 17818 534545 3.99% 17710 531308 4.00% 17585 527579 3.97% 209430 6282896 3.94%
17 17968 539054 4.02% 17866 535996 4.03% 17810 534312 4.02% 212944 6388329 4.01%
18 18365 550969 4.11% 18159 544784 4.10% 18193 545800 4.11% 217096 6512894 4.09%
19 17948 538466 4.01% 17851 535533 4.03% 17769 533085 4.02% 213513 6405400 4.02%
20 19219 576593 4.30% 18936 568093 4.27% 19038 571140 4.30% 227696 6830876 4.29%
21 19347 580422 4.33% 19222 576669 4.34% 19174 575222 4.33% 229714 6891430 4.32%
22 18552 556565 4.15% 18393 551818 4.15% 18376 551303 4.15% 220676 6620291 4.15%
23 18564 556928 4.15% 18433 553014 4.16% 18399 551976 4.16% 220359 6610766 4.15%

Top 30 of 2315 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 13113248 97.78% 158292192 99.33% /
2 88386 0.66% 116965 0.07% Images
3 23959 0.18% 2511 0.00% /robots.txt
4 12973 0.10% 3175 0.00% /aaa/view.php3
5 10631 0.08% 17721 0.01% /rss/
6 7297 0.05% 46571 0.03% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
7 4700 0.04% 253398 0.16% /ecn_js.php
8 3997 0.03% 611 0.00% /rss/granty.php
9 3402 0.03% 51223 0.03% /txt_tzpravy.stm
10 2475 0.02% 2468 0.00% /index_asp.stm
11 2172 0.02% 6105 0.00% /txt_zpr_full.stm
12 1552 0.01% 27304 0.02% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
13 1202 0.01% 21319 0.01% /map.html
14 1053 0.01% 4456 0.00% /txt_kom_full.stm
15 617 0.00% 3872 0.00% /txt_komentare.stm
16 293 0.00% 3205 0.00% /form_z.stm
17 200 0.00% 14 0.00% /ads.txt
18 159 0.00% 608 0.00% /hledej.stm
19 87 0.00% 885 0.00% /form_n.stm
20 68 0.00% 393 0.00% /PRIVATE/logos/pravhist.htm
21 48 0.00% 188 0.00% /doc/old/Nno/Legislativa/Texts/EPS/dustojnost.htm
22 44 0.00% 208 0.00% /alerts.shtml
23 44 0.00% 235 0.00% /form_granty.stm
24 44 0.00% 174 0.00% /form_j2.stm
25 40 0.00% 428 0.00% /PRIVATE/Piano/Lovejoy.htm
26 40 0.00% 503 0.00% /PRIVATE/Piano/links.htm
27 39 0.00% 83 0.00% /PRIVATE/Piano/ACPT_ZIN.HTM
28 39 0.00% 13 0.00% /aaa/filler.php3
29 38 0.00% 208 0.00% /pen/zmizela/
30 37 0.00% 395 0.00% /rtk/catalogue-gis/eng/prehled.htm

Top 10 of 2315 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 13113248 97.78% 158292192 99.33% /
2 4700 0.04% 253398 0.16% /ecn_js.php
3 88386 0.66% 116965 0.07% Images
4 3402 0.03% 51223 0.03% /txt_tzpravy.stm
5 7297 0.05% 46571 0.03% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
6 1552 0.01% 27304 0.02% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
7 1202 0.01% 21319 0.01% /map.html
8 10631 0.08% 17721 0.01% /rss/
9 19 0.00% 16577 0.01% /doc/vz2001.pdf
10 19 0.00% 14674 0.01% /doc/vz2000.pdf

Top 10 of 367 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 13113248 97.78% 503707 97.13% /
2 10631 0.08% 5262 1.01% /rss/
3 12973 0.10% 2991 0.58% /aaa/view.php3
4 3997 0.03% 2229 0.43% /rss/granty.php
5 2475 0.02% 1445 0.28% /index_asp.stm
6 4700 0.04% 1037 0.20% /ecn_js.php
7 7297 0.05% 342 0.07% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
8 1552 0.01% 143 0.03% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
9 3402 0.03% 108 0.02% /txt_tzpravy.stm
10 2172 0.02% 95 0.02% /txt_zpr_full.stm

Top 10 of 376 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 13113248 97.78% 501127 96.82% /
2 10631 0.08% 4919 0.95% /rss/
3 12973 0.10% 4516 0.87% /aaa/view.php3
4 3997 0.03% 2204 0.43% /rss/granty.php
5 4700 0.04% 1404 0.27% /ecn_js.php
6 2475 0.02% 1377 0.27% /index_asp.stm
7 7297 0.05% 311 0.06% /txt_tzpr_full.stm
8 3402 0.03% 185 0.04% /txt_tzpravy.stm
9 1552 0.01% 172 0.03% /txt_zpravodajstvi.stm
10 2172 0.02% 137 0.03% /txt_zpr_full.stm

Top 30 of 39581 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 10134132 75.56% 10125926 76.18% 112857629 70.82% 160099 44.38% Search indexing robots
2 251665 1.88% 250906 1.89% 7511262 4.71% 65 0.02%
3 120473 0.90% 120407 0.91% 5218834 3.27% 1 0.00%
4 21663 0.16% 21663 0.16% 1321719 0.83% 1 0.00%
5 13733 0.10% 13588 0.10% 161530 0.10% 110 0.03%
6 12505 0.09% 12465 0.09% 488156 0.31% 1 0.00%
7 7373 0.05% 681 0.01% 58502 0.04% 7 0.00%
8 6836 0.05% 6836 0.05% 106676 0.07% 1 0.00%
9 6693 0.05% 681 0.01% 55348 0.03% 5 0.00%
10 6223 0.05% 681 0.01% 53222 0.03% 3 0.00%
11 5865 0.04% 5865 0.04% 68180 0.04% 203 0.06%
12 5861 0.04% 5857 0.04% 68248 0.04% 207 0.06%
13 5855 0.04% 5852 0.04% 68001 0.04% 215 0.06%
14 5851 0.04% 5848 0.04% 68645 0.04% 205 0.06%
15 5836 0.04% 5835 0.04% 68228 0.04% 219 0.06%
16 5836 0.04% 5831 0.04% 68493 0.04% 211 0.06%
17 5835 0.04% 5835 0.04% 68604 0.04% 204 0.06%
18 5822 0.04% 5820 0.04% 67855 0.04% 186 0.05%
19 5812 0.04% 5808 0.04% 68049 0.04% 220 0.06%
20 5812 0.04% 5809 0.04% 67559 0.04% 215 0.06%
21 5809 0.04% 5806 0.04% 67983 0.04% 219 0.06%
22 5808 0.04% 5806 0.04% 67950 0.04% 214 0.06%
23 5805 0.04% 5804 0.04% 67723 0.04% 206 0.06%
24 5802 0.04% 5798 0.04% 67915 0.04% 205 0.06%
25 5802 0.04% 5800 0.04% 67570 0.04% 199 0.06%
26 5802 0.04% 5802 0.04% 67885 0.04% 190 0.05%
27 5797 0.04% 5794 0.04% 67847 0.04% 196 0.05%
28 5797 0.04% 5793 0.04% 67694 0.04% 197 0.05%
29 5795 0.04% 5794 0.04% 67295 0.04% 219 0.06%
30 5788 0.04% 5787 0.04% 67350 0.04% 219 0.06%

Top 10 of 39581 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 10134132 75.56% 10125926 76.18% 112857629 70.82% 160099 44.38% Search indexing robots
2 251665 1.88% 250906 1.89% 7511262 4.71% 65 0.02%
3 120473 0.90% 120407 0.91% 5218834 3.27% 1 0.00%
4 21663 0.16% 21663 0.16% 1321719 0.83% 1 0.00%
5 12505 0.09% 12465 0.09% 488156 0.31% 1 0.00%
6 13733 0.10% 13588 0.10% 161530 0.10% 110 0.03%
7 6836 0.05% 6836 0.05% 106676 0.07% 1 0.00%
8 4693 0.03% 4693 0.04% 72330 0.05% 1 0.00%
9 5851 0.04% 5848 0.04% 68645 0.04% 205 0.06%
10 5835 0.04% 5835 0.04% 68604 0.04% 204 0.06%

Top 30 of 5852 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 13126402 97.87% - (Direct Request)
2 13685 0.10%
3 12597 0.09%
4 4753 0.04%
5 4689 0.03%
6 4639 0.03%
7 4396 0.03%
8 3129 0.02%
9 2978 0.02%
10 2893 0.02%
11 2844 0.02%
12 2826 0.02%
13 2526 0.02%
14 2275 0.02%
15 2273 0.02%
16 1724 0.01%
17 1642 0.01%
18 1434 0.01%
19 1269 0.01%
20 1038 0.01%
21 882 0.01%
22 811 0.01%
23 795 0.01%
24 688 0.01%
25 680 0.01%
26 524 0.00%
27 474 0.00%
28 442 0.00%
29 428 0.00%
30 405 0.00%

Top 10 of 10 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 6 40.00% index.stm
2 1 6.67%
3 1 6.67%
4 1 6.67%
5 1 6.67%
6 1 6.67%
7 1 6.67%
8 1 6.67%
9 1 6.67%
10 1 6.67%

Top 15 of 377 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 10611882 79.13% Search indexing robots
2 2636584 19.66% Mozilla/5.0
3 44971 0.34% Barkrowler/0.9
4 24327 0.18% Bytespider
5 13796 0.10% Go-http-client/1.1
6 6074 0.05% Owler (
7 3747 0.03% fasthttp
8 3124 0.02% Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.31
9 2192 0.02% Mediapartners-Google
10 1433 0.01% heritrix/3.4
11 1198 0.01% SimplePie/1.8.0 (Feed Parser;; Allow like Gecko) Build/1674203855
12 936 0.01% Turnitin (
13 603 0.00% FirmoGraph (+
14 565 0.00% MSIE 10.0
15 424 0.00% Feedspot/1.0 (+; like FeedFetcher-Google)

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 30 of 80 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 10362518 77.27% 10345542 77.83% 118667206 74.46% Commercial (com)
2 2746368 20.48% 2653063 19.96% 32259497 20.24% Unresolved/Unknown
3 159010 1.19% 154777 1.16% 6003128 3.77% Network (net)
4 55253 0.41% 54782 0.41% 598920 0.38% European Union
5 50706 0.38% 48933 0.37% 1426343 0.90% Czech Republic
6 17875 0.13% 17450 0.13% 209923 0.13% Germany
7 3521 0.03% 3472 0.03% 57977 0.04% China
8 3033 0.02% 2875 0.02% 19335 0.01% Poland
9 2861 0.02% 2813 0.02% 42127 0.03% Russian Federation
10 2701 0.02% 2686 0.02% 33787 0.02% Norway
11 1646 0.01% 1597 0.01% 1725 0.00% Bulgaria
12 1252 0.01% 1224 0.01% 8490 0.01% Slovakia
13 985 0.01% 158 0.00% 5273 0.00% Italy
14 897 0.01% 707 0.01% 5094 0.00% Croatia
15 486 0.00% 444 0.00% 6009 0.00% Non-Profit (org)
16 416 0.00% 401 0.00% 976 0.00% Ind. Contact Data (tel)
17 287 0.00% 4 0.00% 965 0.00% Montenegro
18 264 0.00% 258 0.00% 1162 0.00% Portugal
19 175 0.00% 173 0.00% 3108 0.00% France
20 100 0.00% 100 0.00% 473 0.00% Address Routing (arpa)
21 93 0.00% 90 0.00% 379 0.00% Hungary
22 93 0.00% 88 0.00% 3948 0.00% United States
23 82 0.00% 78 0.00% 234 0.00% Luxembourg
24 75 0.00% 60 0.00% 381 0.00% Brazil
25 69 0.00% 67 0.00% 204 0.00% Canada
26 64 0.00% 53 0.00% 1339 0.00% Jersey
27 64 0.00% 62 0.00% 531 0.00% Ukraine
28 56 0.00% 52 0.00% 407 0.00% Switzerland
29 55 0.00% 53 0.00% 152 0.00% Spain
30 44 0.00% 35 0.00% 106 0.00% Colombia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23