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Mobilní telefony s nízkou spotřebou energie mají už také šanci získat ekoznačku "Modrý Anděl"

14.6.2003 - BREMERHAVEN (Komise pro udělování ekoznaček SRN ) - The recent decision by the environmental label jury to award the Blue Angel to low exposure mobile telephones was named a "positive sign for industry and the consumer" by Federal Environment Minister Jürgen Trittin. While many consumers are concerned about the possible health risk from mobile phone exposure, they do not want this to prevent them completely from buying a mobile. "As a label for low exposure mobile phones, the Blue Angel serves as a guide for the customer and helps him or her make a decision prior to purchase," said Trittin.

Mobile phone manufacturers now have the opportunity to apply for the environmental Blue Angel for low exposure mobile phones. On 14 June, during its two day meeting in Bremerhaven, the independent environmental label jury decided on the basic criteria to qualify for the label. The deciding factor for the award of the label is the so-called specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which indicates the maximum exposure intensity of a mobile phone. Only mobile phones with a maximum SAR of 0.6 watt/kilogramme are eligible for the Blue Angel. The highest legally permitted level is 2 watt /kilogramme.

Federal Environment Minister Jürgen Trittin called on all mobile phone manufactureres to make immediate use of the eco-label for mobile phones. The president of the environmental label jury, Gerd Billen stated "there are already devices on the market characterised by low exposure levels which could already carry the Blue Angel label. Our quality seal will act as an incentive to the manufacturers to take the precautionary principle into consideration when developing future generations of mobile phones." Over this issue, the Federal Environment Minister is in agreement with the operators of mobile telecommunications networks. In a voluntary commitment of December last year network operators agreed to press mobile phone manufacturers to bring more low exposure devices onto the market.

An overview of the SAR levels of mobile phones currently on the market will soon be available (in German) on The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz) website at

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